Baby Max, the star of The Adventures of Maximus Rex, was born early, arriving on March 18th, 2021 at 2 lbs. 10 oz., but he quickly packed on the pounds because of his fondness for food. He was known for being strong, incredibly serious, a brave fighter, and a slightly-mischievous-never-going-to-bed-on-time baby. Max loved tons and tons of snuggles and cuddles, and bubbles with his bath. He also enjoyed Disney music and having his family read to him. The 200 days with Baby Max passed so quickly, but it only seemed fitting that he should star in a grand adventure his own. Our little Handsome Handsome is always in our hearts, and our love for him grows each and every day.
By day, Lynnette Aaron is a number-crunching, budget-building machine. When the clock hits five, she is off to spend time with her family, train for her next marathon, care for her ever-growing plant collection, or bake some of the best desserts that you have ever tried. Friends and family think that there may be a bakery in her future, as a business opportunity with her twin sister. Her favorite animal is the pangolin, and she enjoys a good romantic comedy with a cheerful ending.
Russell Aaron works in the world of information technology, solving business problems and exploring new ways of doing things. When he’s not swimming, biking, or running, he can be found playing trumpet, sketching out new ideas for the next book, or making tacos. He loves “Born to Be Wild” by Steppenwolf and drinks tea because coffee is disgusting.
They live in northern Nevada with their son, King, and dog, Lucy, where they attend Community Bible Church, go running together regularly, and work on a vegetable garden every spring. They continue to keep the memory of Max alive in their day-to-day activities. Favorites are a twice-a-year balloon release and decorating his Christmas tree.
Just when I thought I was too old for dinosaur adventures…along comes Maximus Rex! He’s so handsome.
—Lucy the dog